illegal stay

Abolition in 2012 !!

in abolition, illegal residence, illegal stay
In 2012 Poland there will be conducted an abolition. Persons entitled to benefit from it must meet certain conditions.
    We invite you to contact us to verify whether you can apply for abolition.
We invite you to contact us to verify whether you can apply for abolition. The regulations in this matter were adopted by the Sejm on July 28. Their records will come into force in early 2012. According to the abolition of them are covered by foreigners residing in Poland continuously since 20 December 2007. This time (this is already the third amnesty) legislation is more liberal than those of previous years. Then it was necessary to demonstrate that tehy are in Poland 10 years, submit a title for the space they occupy and have permission for work. Who may apply for abolition? Under the new rules foreigners who have been refused refugee status and expulsion of Polish adjudicated, the requirement to obtain legalization of stay it will be uninterrupted stay in Poland at least since 1 January 2010. The authorization to legalize the stay will be also for the foreigners to whom on 1 January 2010 was proceeding the process for granting refugee status (initiated in connection with the submission of another application in this case). Temporary residence permit for persons covered by the abolition will be granted for two years (one year was too short). During their stay he will be able to work without a permit - under a contract of employment.

Act on legalisation of stay of some foreigners in the territory of the Republic of Poland and on amendments to the Act on granting protection to foreigners in the territory of the Republic of Poland and to the Act on Foreigners

Act on legalisation of stay of some foreigners - về việc hợp pháp hóa cư trú trên lãnh thổ nước Cộng Hòa Ba Lan đối với một số người nước ngoài, về việc sửa đổi Đạo luật về việc che chở người nước ngoài trên lãnh thổ nước Cộng Hòa Ba Lan và Đạo luật về người nước ngoài.

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